
Human, Nature Series

2016-present This work formed the basis of the show “Wilderness, City” exhibited at the Yukon Arts Centre from December 2017 to March 2018. This ongoing series explores the theme of natural landscape and how it is opposed to human made environments. 

These densely textured oil paintings were built up over a period of three to five years, using a technique of flicking and throwing the oil paint. The work itself sets out to question our relationship with the world that nature created for us, and the more artificial inner cities that we chose to create for ourselves. It looks at the way the wilds of nature and the centres of large cities affect us on an emotional level. How do they make us feel when viewed in juxtaposition with one another? It ultimately questions why, as humans, we feel more connected to the forest than to a wall of graffiti, or city underpass when we created these environments ourselves.

Photo: Manu Keggenhoff Photography

Photo: Manu Keggenhoff Photography